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Next Original Release Coming Soon!
Watch this exact space...
Myself, Pieter Lategan and the 4 members of MVG 2022 worked together on this song about peace, healing and rebuilding, in light of the Ukrainian resistance to the Russian invasion, but also in light of the war in Yemen and the massive human tragedy it has caused (thoughtfully mention the other great autrocities happening right now - Siria, Israel and Pelstinia. We hope this song inspires the people going through these immensely tragic experiences to hold on and remember that "this too, shall pass" and that they too can build their lives back even better than they were before. If nothing else, we want the people who DO hear our song, to be grateful for the life they lead and for them to be inspired to spread more kindness and compassion around them. Perhaps our song can even help bring some more awareness to what is actually happening in the world around us. Even if there is nothing we can really do, we did something - which is more than most.
The members of MVG 2022
Zadaliah Coleridge
Yonela Kozana
Khaila Rhélemoe
Melaika Nakatana
Engineering & Musical Arrangement
Composition, Lyrics, Vocal Arrangement & Production
Pieter Lategan
Miki Vox
What is The Miki Vox Group (MVG)?
It is an ever changing group of singers who all receive vocal training from me, Miki Vox.
This group is now exclusive, only allowing 6 members at a time, at most, who are chosen via official auditions each year. This is a professional group that can be booked for functions - weddings, birthdays, celebrations of any kind, year-end functions etc. In a few short years, merely having been a part of The Miki Vox Group, will give singers a head start in their careers.
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